Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
We would like to ask you to contribute to our ongoing quality assessments by stating your comments or remarks.

Your constructive criticism shall be a useful guide:

Your name:*

Your name:*

Clear selection

Company / Organisation *

Company / Organisation *

Clear selection

Please select the degree of satisfaction for each of the following:

Please select the degree of satisfaction for each of the following:

Clear selection

Knowledge of the products*

Knowledge of the products*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Understanding your needs/requirements*

Understanding your needs/requirements*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Willingness to help*

Willingness to help*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection



1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Ability to complete/respond to your requirements/queries*

Ability to complete/respond to your requirements/queries*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Time taken to address requirements/queries*

Time taken to address requirements/queries*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection



1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Help provided during the project implementation*

Help provided during the project implementation*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Overall satisfaction*

Overall satisfaction*

1 (Poor)
2 (Fair)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Select (one answer)
Clear selection

Please mark whether any of the following occurred during your experience with AD Series:

Please mark whether any of the following occurred during your experience with AD Series:

Clear selection

Delay in deliveries?*

Delay in deliveries?*

Clear selection

Errors in the financial data (invoices)?*

Errors in the financial data (invoices)?*

Clear selection

Insufficient technical or economical reports?*

Insufficient technical or economical reports?*

Clear selection

Communication difficulties with staff?*

Communication difficulties with staff?*

Clear selection

Lack of information?*

Lack of information?*

Clear selection

Other? (Please Specify)

Other? (Please Specify)

Clear selection